Classic Baked Potato

(picture and recipe from Taste Buds)
So, I planned on making Greek Potatoes (which I love!) last night to go with our meat, but then I saw this posted on Taste Buds and was suddenly in the mood for a classic baked potato. Sometimes the tried and true hits the spot much better :-). I have always wrapped my baked potatoes in foil and loved that the shells of these ones stayed nice and crisp. The next time I make twice baked potatoes I will definitely be using this method!

baking potatoes (russets)
olive oil
kosher salt or garlic salt


Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Scrub potatoes thoroughly and pat dry. Prick each potato with a fork a few times. Rub each potato with olive oil (the amount is up to you, just don't over do it) and sprinkle with choice of salt and pepper.
Place on a foil lined baking sheet and bake for 40-60 min, or until tender. Let sit a minute or two and make a slit across the top of each potato and push ends together to open nicely.
Top as desired...of course butter and sour cream are musts!

1 comment:

  1. We had "classic" baked potatoes this last week too! The really large baking kind of russets were 3lbs for $1.00 at Tom Thumb so I couldn't resist.


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