Balsamic Chicken

balsamic chicken
After the end of the school year and just getting back from vacation I'm ready to get back to my meal-planning and cooking again! This was the last new recipe we tried that I never got around to blogging about. I had seen it posted a few times on Melissa's Bargains weekly menu but when I saw it also had good reviews on Favorites, I decided I better give it a try. Of course, the fact it was an easy crock pot meal helped in my decision too. It was easy and flavorful and light. I also LOVED the tanginess and the fact that my kitchen didn't get hot making it!

4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Halves – approx. 1.5 to 2 lbs.
½ C. Olive Oil
½ – 1 C. Balsamic Vinegar – depending on how tangy you like the recipe (I used 1/2 c and it was plenty for us)
1 large can of diced tomatoes (I took this to mean a big 28 oz can)
1 can tomato sauce (I used an 8 oz can)
3-4 cloves of garlic minced or pressed
2 t. crushed dry oregano

Combine all ingredients in Crockpot. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Shred chicken with a fork and serve chicken and sauce over rice or angel hair pasta. The consistency and taste of the sauce is sweet and tangy like an Italian barbeque sauce.


  1. That looks delish! I love things that I can just leave in the crock pot. I wouldn't have thought to serve it with pasta though...we're a rice family, but I'll have to try it, thanks!

  2. I need to start using my crockpot more. This looks delicious! :)

  3. This sounds really good. I like how you've described it as Italian bbq sauce, sweet & tangy. Sounds like a delicious dinner indeed!

  4. This recipe was actually an experiment to adapt one of my favorite recipes to the crockpot! I'm glad it's making the rounds and that you like it. I always find a lot of inspiration from your wonderful blog. :)

  5. I am thinking we need to try it over rice sometime! We just had this again last night...


What do you think?